
09 July 2012

Summer Jam Week 9: B.o.B and Carly Rae Light up your 4th of July Hangover

Here we are again, another Summer Monday and time for us to list the hottest Jams of the previous week. Our end goal of course is to do this every week from May to Labour Day in order to truly determine which artist out there has the track that will become THE Jam of 2012, The Last Summer. This week is full of new hotness, so stay tuned:

Hot Track of the Week: "Ray Bands" by B.o.B

This is a spectacular Summer Track. It's got an intensity to its beat, a lightness to the lyrics, and a demonstration of B.o.B's incredible flow. It snaps back and forth with swagger that you can rock out in a car to, jam at a party to, or grind upon your honey or dude with. It's all good, baby. More than anything, this is a cool song to beat the hot hot heat. Bobby Bravo is the man.

Babymaking Music: "Boyfriend" by Justin Bieber

The Biebs continues his assault on Summer this week with appearances just about everywhere. Bieber is still on everyone's tongue, both female and dude alike, so here he is here. "Boyfriend" is an interesting song for him, and it's yet to be seen whether or not he escapes his child popularity into true pop stardom - if he does this ought to be the transition point. I still think he'll end up like Michael Jackson - Pop King in his 20s and then just a creepy insane man for the rest of his life.

Marmalade Making Out Anthem: "Tongue Tied" by Grouplove

Grouplove surges ahead again this week with a track that seems to ebb and flow all over the place this summer. It's still a rad party song and really puts any listener into a pillow-fight make-out mood. In essence can there be a better Summer Jam? Methinks not, but I can't really predict if this track's stock is rising or falling, next week who knows, it may be gone in the breeze. Or in our faces. And our tongues.

Big Boobs, The Movie: "Wide Awake" by Katy Perry

Did anyone see Katy Perry: Part of Me (2012) this weekend? It doesn't really seem like it, although this flick was made so much on the cheap that it doesn't really matter. The thing is that none of these pop stars are really as popular as they may think they are - it's the result of a rabid yet niche fanbase that supports them. Katy isn't nearly as distinctive as someone like GaGa anyway. Still, this track is bubbling around, if not as great as something like anything else off Teenage Dream.

Got a Quarter? "Payphone" by Maroon 5

This track stumbled a bit this week, perhaps losing some relevancy due to its awful lyrics, melody, and overexposure. Whatever the reason, Maroon 5 has long proved how much of a terrible sell-out band they are and should occupy a distinctive place in pop rock history for it.

Something About Cashing Out: "Cashin' Out" by Ca$h Out

It's about time I recognized this track I suppose. This is a pretty big jam for a rap track that isn't that obsessed with popular appeal. Name spelling comparisons to Ke$ha aside, Ca$h Out doesn't actually have any talent, but some of the rhythm of this track is fairly catchy, but who knows why he feels like he needs to work his name into his song name. No one in hip-hop has ever done that before. Will we be talking about Ca$h Out in twenty years? Next week? I'll let the strands of fate decide that for sure but if I had to guess that guess would

More Folk Rock: "Ho Hey" by the Lumineers

This mellow track continues to do pretty well, catching fire anywhere it can. It's fairly adorable and perfect to cuddle up to a loved one on a breezy summer evening by the beach. That's so cute it makes me want to puke for joy. But it's definitely worthy of Jam status and tho it may never get as big as something so eloquent and lyrically superior as "Cashin' Out" or "Call Me Maybe," it's getting its fair shot.

Song of a Generation: "Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen

Carly Rae is back on top baby, this bitch is everywhere. She's also got a new track out (see the next section), which ought to decide if "Call Me Maybe" will remain her eternal bread and butter or if she can break out with something else. More and more it's looking like this will earn her a Summer Crown - that's kind of unbelievable. Where's the Flo Rida? The LMFAO? The GaGa? Oh Carly Rae, what a statement of the times.

Next Week...

There are a couple big tracks that landed this week that we ought to keep our eyes on. Along with B.o.B there's some new hotness by Carly Rae, "Good Time," as well as from Matchbox-20 of all bands with "She's So Mean." Just don't wake up next to Rob Thomas and Sinbad in a mental hospital. We'll keep our eyes on both these tracks, which have equal chances to get pretty big.

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